Listed on the following pages are some examples of Waterwise planting options for a variety of garden styles, most of which will survive with little to no irrigation once established.
These lists are a suggested starting point and are by no means exhaustive nor are the garden styles which have been selected as common popular themes – plants can easily be mixed and matched.
Note: many more native plants can be included in the schemes listed, as they can be adapted to any style.
Trees |
Olives,Prunus,Pyrus,Melaleuca |
Shrubs |
Rosemary,Lavender,Santalina,Nerium,Echium,Pelargonium,Westringia |
Ground Covers |
Convolvulus,Myoporum, Eremophilaglabravarieties |
Climbers |
Ficuspumila,Bougainvillea |
Accents & Grasses |
Agave,Aloe,Lomandra, Dianella |
Trees |
Plumeria,Hymenosporum,Bauhinia,somepalms |
Shrubs |
Murraya,Acalypha,some Hibiscus,Philodendron, Alternanthera,Russellia |
Ground Covers |
Trachelospermum,jasminoides,massed Bromeliads |
Climbers |
Bouganvillea,Pandorea |
Accents & Grasses |
Doryanthes,Strelitzia,someCordyline,Lomandra, Dracaena |
Trees |
Robinia,Pyrus,Syzigium |
Shrubs |
Viburnum,Metrosideros, Photinia,Ricinocarpus, Westringia,Royena, Melaleuca,Rhaphiolepsis, Calothamnus,Agonis |
Ground Covers |
Dymondia,Thyme |
Climbers |
Trachelospermum jasminoides,Ficuspumila |
Accents & Grasses |
Lomandra,Dianella,Clivia, someCycads |
Trees |
Lagerstroemia,someMagnolias,Jacaranda, Hakea,manydeciduous |
Shrubs |
Duranta,Rosesonfortunianarootstock,Clerodendron,Eremophila,Lavender,Leptospermum, Chamelaucium,Alyogyne,Thryptomene,Verticordia |
Ground Covers |
SomeScaevolas,Hemiandra,Myoporum,lowGrevilleas |
Climbers |
Wisteria,Jasmine,Sollya, Hardenbergia |
Accents & Grasses |
Patersonia,Orthrosanthus,Kniphofia/p> |
Trees |
Figs,olives,feijoa, pomegranate,strawberry/cherryguava,mulberry,nuts,pears,plums,apricots,quince,nativelime |
Shrubs |
Manyherbs,bushtuckerspecies,quandong |
Climbers |
Grapes |
Trees |
Sapium,Styphnolubium(syn.Saphora),Conifers,Prunus,Melaleuca,Acacia |
Shrubs |
Pittosporum,Westringia,Camellia,Nandina,Pimelea,Rhaphiolepsis,Leucophyta,Baeckea,DwarfAcacia |
Ground Covers |
Juniperus,Sedums,Darwinia, citriodoraprostrate, Austromyrtus,Myoporum |
Accents & Grasses |
Phormium,Liriope,Libertia,DwarfLomandras |
Contemporary / Sculptural
Trees |
Brachychiton,Caesalpinia, Eucalyptus,Banksia |
Shrubs |
Leucadendron,Hakea |
Ground Covers |
Dryandra,Sedums,Crassulas,Carpobrotus |
Climbers |
Kennedia,Billardiera |
Accents & Grasses |
Ficinea,Dianella,Lomandra,Dracaena,Macrozamia, Yucca,Agave,Sansevieria, Aloes,Anigozanthos, Xanthorrea,Zamia |
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