Productive gardens are a relatively high use component of the landscape but again this can be mitigated by appropriate waterwise plant selection – see productive list in planting themes section on page 25.
Vegetable and leafy crops require regular watering. In the heat of summer they will benefit from some shade either in the form of shade cloth or the use of deciduous trees, so this should be factored into the design.
Clever design of layered food gardens can achieve an effect which mimics a forest where taller plants provide protection for understory plants and ground covering food plants like sweet potato or Warragil greens form a living mulch. Climbing varieties can be encouraged to grow up taller crops etc.
When designing for food cropping and productive gardens, be conscious of not planting excess to the property owner’s requirements. From a sustainability perspective, surplus plant material can be composted, but from a water efficiency perspective, this can be considered wastage.